# Sample Project Project Description: In this section, provide a brief description of your project. ## Getting Started To run this project locally, follow the steps below. ### Prerequisites List the software and tools required for the project to run. Example: - Java 8 or a newer version - Apache Maven ### Installation Explain the steps to set up the project on your local machine. Example: 1.Clone the project repository: `git clone` 2.Change to the project directory: `cd yourproject` 3.Install the required dependencies: `mvn install` ### Usage Explain how to use the project. Example: 1.To start the application: `java -jar yourproject.jar` 2.Open your web browser and go to `http://localhost:8080`.a ## Contributing Provide information about the contribution process for the project.Explain how other developers can contribute. Example: 1.Fork this repo 2.Add new features or bug fixes 3.Submit your changes as a pull request ## License Specify the project's licensing information here. State under which license the project is released and include the necessary license files. Example: This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more information, see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file. ## Contact Provide contact information for questions or feedback related to the project. Example: - Project Owner: [Your Name]( - Project Page: [Project Page](